Wednesday 3 October 2012

Meeting Minutes

Attended by: Katie King, Xhesi Abdurahmani, Molly Puckey and Lucy Gauron.



Roles and responsibilities through discussion.                                                                                      Potential ideas for the mockumentary using structure discussion.                                                                           Brief synopsis and proposal for the mockumentary.                                                                                  Allocate responsibility for who will share distribute the notes.


Items being discussed
Ideas suggested and decisions made
Roles of responsibilities
Director, actress, costume, camera person, discussion leader, scribe.
Katie King
She is going to be director. The reason for this is because she is good at leading discussions and making sure everyone is doing their role correctly.
Xhesi Abdurahmani
She is going to be assistant director. This is she is good at taking the directors role in case she is absent and also quite a quick typer for such things such as writing minutes and explaining ideas to the other  people.
Molly Puckwey
Good organiser and can share good ideas.
Lucy Gauron
Good at arranging equipment so its all in order and can suggest some ideas.


                Ideas for Mockumentary

Our Mockumentary is going to be set in Bermondsey.                                                                                   And we are going to be mocking the stereo typical Bermondsey girls and boys who are quite chavy and rude.

Our focus in our mockumentary is going to be on the people in Bermondsey who are not chavy and are genuine. Who, themselves mock the rude Bermondsey stereo typical girls and boys.

The characters who will be involved will be the chavy girls, chavy boys, nerds, genuine Bermondsey people who are themselves and the TOWIE wannabe’s who dress like Barbie dolls/the fake Pauls boutique girls.

We are going to make it look like a mockumentary because we will be exaggerating and mocking the stereo typical Bermondsey girls and lads.

The message of is to show what the Bermondsey people look like from other peoples view and to teach us to be ourselves.

We are going to make this look like a Mockumentary by using an interview perspective from the camera angle, so it makes the audience more involved and so it looks like a documentary.

Our key story line is that in the show is comparing the stereo typical chavy kids to the normal but called ‘nerdy kids’.

The fact that the stereo typical Bermondsey girls and boys will be exaggerated so it will be funny, plus there will be some jokes that fit in with the program.

I think this show will appeal to teenagers and people that live in the local area because they will understand the show and those that are around about the same age will get it and find it funny. It will be appealing because it is funny and interesting, it will be entertaining for the audience and for the audience to see the comparison of those in the program.

For the program I think we will need school like object and some chavy clothing to set the scene it should be as realistic as possible, but exaggerated to make it funny and show the comparisons. We will also need props like the stereo typical Pauls boutique bags, fake nails, bright orange makeups, extensions, snap backs and blazers.

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