Friday 12 October 2012

Character Profiles Meetin Minutes

Attended by: Katie King, Xhesi Abdurahmani, Molly Puckey and Lucy Gauron.


To discuss and work out who is writing who’s character profile.

And work out the Characters personality.


Ideas Suggested and decisions made
Katie King
Agreed to do Bobbi, a chavy rude girl. She is 15. She is attention seeking and her funny habit is picking her nose. Her back story is her mum and dad left her when she was baby, now she is an orphan. And the fact she lives in a horrible trampy foster home she became depressed, but hides it from her friends.
Xhesi Abdurahmani
Is doing the normal quiet girl called Freya, She is 15. She is really smart; despite her unpopular school life she is really pretty but hides it by wearing baggy and unflattering clothing. She doesn’t have any funny habits. But with her friends she is actually quite the comedian. She is comfortable with the people she likes. Her story is that her parents always so she is left to care, feed and look after all her younger 3 brothers.
Molly Puckey
Is doing Amie who is 16 and is spoilt by her parents and she thinks she is amazing. But really she isn’t pretty and just covers herself in makeup and false eyelashes, she isn’t clever because she is too busy giving boys the eye. She doesn’t care about her future because she thinks she can always buy her way through her daddy. Her funny habit is she likes to eat mushy peas out of a can. Her back story is that her parents only spoil her because Amie had an older sister who died in a car crash, and Amie’s parents feel guilty and spoil her to make up for the fact they think they didn’t look after her older sister well enough. Amie thinks that the boy Liam likes her. She has confidence issues.
Lucy Gauron
Is doing The male Liam is 16 and his personality is a typical Bermondsey boy. But truly he is only acting like Bermondsey boy. He is actually nice. He knows the girl Amie likes him. And leads her on. She thinks they’re going out but truly he likes Freya, the so called needy girl. He pretends to fit in with all the chavy boys but in reality he is nothing like them. His back story is his dad is in prison and he wants to be a better man than him. So he looks after his family and often has to do some dirty work to get money for his family. Even though he hates it, he wants his family to be happy. And all he wants is to stop pretending to be a rude boy and be with the love of his life Freya. His funny habit is secretly studying because he wants to become a lawyer.

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