Wednesday 17 October 2012

Act 1 Scene 3

ACT 1 Scene 3


AMIE and BOBBI sit down to eat in lunch hall, they sit by themselves. BOBBI starts rubbing her belly.


Why you rubbing your belly like that? You look pregnant, ha-ha!

BOBBI goes silent.


You are pregnant!


Shhhhhh, Please don’t tell anyone, and I didn’t want this, please don’t tell anyone!


Its fine you can trust me. I’m just surprised that’s all.

A girl called Kelly and her boyfriend over hear this...

Act 1 Scene 2

ACT 1 Scene 2


PROFESSOR GELLER calls Head Girl AMIE to show BOBBI around. AMIE is introduced to BOBBI.


Hey, nice to meet you. How are you finding it here?


Hey, ermm well it is alright. I haven’t really spoken to anyone yet. I just keep getting people staring at me?


Oh, don’t worry that stops after a week, just stick with me you will be fine.


Thanks, it’s nice to have a bit of support I hate starting new school with not knowing anyone.


Tell me about it, I started here two years ago for a fresh start. I lived in Gloucester before but my mum wanted to live in the city. I didn’t know anyone either.


That must have been scary, well thanks; I guess you know what it feels like more than me. I was wondering, could I have lunch with you? It’s just I’m still getting to know what it’s like here and I don’t know where anything is.


Of course, I was going to ask if you wanted to anyway.

The bell goes, AMIE and BOBBI walk off together chatting more, getting to know each other.


Act 1 Scene 1

ACT 1 Scene 1


BOBBI (15) awakes to the sound of her alarm clock. She could potentially be a pretty girl but she insists on having the fake orange false eyelash hanging off look. She is nervous for starting a new school with new people to tackle. She misses her old friend group where she was the popular kid. She doesn’t want people to judge her. Her FOSTER DAD bursts into the room.


You best not muck up on this new school. Get up and get ready. You will not be late on your first day.


I won’t muck up.

I never mucked up in my old school...


Don’t give me lip Bobbi. Just get ready. If I hear any more from you... You know what will happen.

BOBBI gets ready slowly and starts to do her makeup. Feeling self-conscious she piles the makeup on. She gets her Pauls Boutique bag and heads for door.




Friday 12 October 2012

Treatment Final Draft


Act 1:

It is the first day of school and Bobbi is new to Bermondsey Academy. Professor Geller calls a girl called Amie to show Bobbi around the school and how things work there. Amie and Bobbi start to bond really well and decide to have lunch together when all of the sudden she starts rubbing her belly, not noticing what she is doing. Amie notices and makes a joke asking if she’s pregnant but Bobbi doesn’t laugh. Amie suddenly realises that she actually is pregnant from the awkward silence.  She promises to keep it a secret between them. However a boy in the lunch hall that goes to the school over hears it and tells his girlfriend Kelly that goes to the same class as Bobbi and she wants to stir things up with the ‘new girl’.

Act 2:

Bobbi and Amie are sitting outside in the playground on a bench talking about their summer when all of a sudden Kelly takes the mick out of Bobbi. Bobbi realises what Kelly is taking the mick about. Bobbi gets really mad, the now really angry Bobbi walks over and raises her arm to slap her but Kelly stops her hand and pushes her to the ground. Bobbi lies on the ground screaming in agony while rubbing her belly and Amie runs over to help her up but she can’t as she grunts in pain. Amie calls a teacher to get an ambulance as blood trickles from under Bobbi’s skirt. Bobbi’s secret is out.

Act 3:

Bobbi gets in an ambulance as the rest of the school has come out to the playground to watch on as they have all heard that the ‘new girl’ is pregnant and had a fight with the ‘popular’ Kelly. Bobbi is worried for her baby. They rush to hospital, as the baby is in critical condition. The doctor and paramedics decide together that it’s best to put her in a special ward as they think they are going to have to deliver the baby early. She is lying in the hospital bed when Dr. Mosby comes in and tells her that she has lost the baby. She screams then starts to sob silently to herself. Amie comes in and hears the news and comforts her staying by her side. Amie questions Bobbi about the father but Bobbi remains silent as tears run down her face. Amie lies with Bobbi in her arms while she cries. Credits then start.


Character Profiles Meetin Minutes

Attended by: Katie King, Xhesi Abdurahmani, Molly Puckey and Lucy Gauron.


To discuss and work out who is writing who’s character profile.

And work out the Characters personality.


Ideas Suggested and decisions made
Katie King
Agreed to do Bobbi, a chavy rude girl. She is 15. She is attention seeking and her funny habit is picking her nose. Her back story is her mum and dad left her when she was baby, now she is an orphan. And the fact she lives in a horrible trampy foster home she became depressed, but hides it from her friends.
Xhesi Abdurahmani
Is doing the normal quiet girl called Freya, She is 15. She is really smart; despite her unpopular school life she is really pretty but hides it by wearing baggy and unflattering clothing. She doesn’t have any funny habits. But with her friends she is actually quite the comedian. She is comfortable with the people she likes. Her story is that her parents always so she is left to care, feed and look after all her younger 3 brothers.
Molly Puckey
Is doing Amie who is 16 and is spoilt by her parents and she thinks she is amazing. But really she isn’t pretty and just covers herself in makeup and false eyelashes, she isn’t clever because she is too busy giving boys the eye. She doesn’t care about her future because she thinks she can always buy her way through her daddy. Her funny habit is she likes to eat mushy peas out of a can. Her back story is that her parents only spoil her because Amie had an older sister who died in a car crash, and Amie’s parents feel guilty and spoil her to make up for the fact they think they didn’t look after her older sister well enough. Amie thinks that the boy Liam likes her. She has confidence issues.
Lucy Gauron
Is doing The male Liam is 16 and his personality is a typical Bermondsey boy. But truly he is only acting like Bermondsey boy. He is actually nice. He knows the girl Amie likes him. And leads her on. She thinks they’re going out but truly he likes Freya, the so called needy girl. He pretends to fit in with all the chavy boys but in reality he is nothing like them. His back story is his dad is in prison and he wants to be a better man than him. So he looks after his family and often has to do some dirty work to get money for his family. Even though he hates it, he wants his family to be happy. And all he wants is to stop pretending to be a rude boy and be with the love of his life Freya. His funny habit is secretly studying because he wants to become a lawyer.

Treatment Improved.


Act 1:

It is the first day of school and Bobbi is new to Bermondsey academy. Professor Geller calls a girl called Amie to show Bobbi around the school and how the things work there. Amie and Bobbi start to bond really well and decide to have lunch together when all of the sudden she starts rubbing her belly, not noticing what she is doing. Amie notices and makes a joke asking if she’s pregnant but Bobbi doesn’t laugh. Amie suddenly realises that she actually is pregnant from the awkward silence.  She promises to keep it a secret between them. However a boy in the lunch hall that goes to the school over hears it and tells his girlfriend Kelly that goes to the same class as Bobbi and she wants to stir things up with the ‘new girl’.

Act 2:

Bobbi and Amie are sitting outside in the playground on a bench talking about their summer when all of a sudden Kelly takes the mick out of Bobbi. Bobbi realises what Kelly is taking the mick about. Bobbi gets really mad, the now really angry Bobbi walks over and raises her arm to slap her but Kelly stops her hand and pushes her to the ground. Bobbi lays on the ground screaming in agony while rubbing her belly and Amie runs over to help her up but she can’t as she grunts in pain. Amie calls a teacher to get an ambulance as blood trickles from under Bobbi’s skirt. Bobbi’s secret is out.

Act 3:

Bobbi gets in an ambulance as the rest of the school has come out to the playground to watch on as they have all heard that the ‘new girl’ is pregnant and had a fight with the ‘popular’ Kelly. Bobbi is worried for her baby. They rush to hospital, as the baby is in critical condition. The doctor and paramedics decide together that it’s best to put her in a special ward as they think they are going to have to deliver the baby early. She is lying in the hospital bed when Dr. Mosby comes in and tells her that she has lost the baby. She screams then starts to sob silently to herself. Amie comes in and hears the news and comforts her staying by her side. Amie questions Bobbi about the father but Bobbi remains silent as tears run down her face. Amie lies with Bobbi in her arms while she cries. Credits then start.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Treatment draft one


Act 1:

It’s the first day of school and Bobbi is new to Bermondsey academy. A teacher gets a girl called Amie to show Bobbi around the school and how the things work there. Amie and Bobbi bond really well and decide to have lunch together when all of the sudden she starts rubbing her belly, not noticing what she’s doing when Amie makes a joke asking if she’s pregnant but Bobbi doesn’t laugh and Amie realises that she really is and she promises to keep this a secret. However a boy that goes to the school over hears it and tells his girlfriend Kelly that goes to the same class as Bobbi and she wants to stir things up.

Act 2:

Bobbi and Amie are sitting outside in the playground on a bench talking about their summer when all of a sudden Kelly takes the mick out of Bobbi. This gets Bobbi really mad and angry and Bobbi walks over and raises her arm to slap her but Kelly stops her hand and pushes her to the ground. Bobbi lays on the ground moaning in pain while rubbing her belly and Amie runs over to help her up but she can’t as she grunts in pain. Amie calls a teacher to call an ambulance as blood trickles from under Bobbi’s skirt.

Act 3:

Bobbi gets in an ambulance and is worried for her baby. She’s lying in the hospital bed when a doctor comes in and tells her that she has lost the baby. She screams then starts to sob silently to herself. Amie comes in and hears the news and comforts her staying by her side. Amie questions Bobbi about the father but Bobbi remains silent as tears run down her face. Amie lies with Bobbi in her arms while she cries. Credits then start.

Wednesday 3 October 2012


Company Name:  Mosby Production

Contact Details: HAB Southwark Park Road, Bermondsey SE16 3TZ

Title of show: The Only Way is Bermondsey

Type of show: Mockumentary

Purpose of show: The purpose of our show is to entertain the audience, mock the documentary format and make fun of teenagers. Teens think their life is dramatic and interesting but chances are they are a little overdramatic and maybe too exaggerated.

Synopsis: The show follows the ups and downs of teenage life in Bermondsey. We will follow the turbulent life of teenagers in a typical Bermondsey school; we follow the characters Freya, Jessica and Emily who are the normal ‘nerdy’ called kids. Then the chavy girl characters called Bobbi, Amie and Chesney. The chavy boy names are Reiss, Liam and Aiden. Come and join us as we follow the groups adventures around Bermondsey; schools days, nights out, parental arguments and friendship disputes abound The Mockumentary will show the comparisons of all the different types of characters. There’s never a dull day in the typical Bermondsey School.

Target audience: teenagers and students People who are the same age as those who are characters in the show.



Katie King

Xhesi Abdurahmani

Molly Puckey

Lucy Gauron

Analysis of conventions of mockumentaries and documentaries.

Katie King (HAB)

-The device I’m going to discuss is shot types and variety. We see this in the Mockumentary ‘Summer heights high’ when the camera does a long shot, it has been used to show the students and their surround. However later on mid shots are used to focus on particular characters such as the main character ‘Jonah’. This section helps the audience to get to know the key characters. We see their costume and where they like to hang out. In the documentary ‘Tribe’ with Bruce Parry the shot types were mostly close up we got HD views of all the nature, it looks professional and the shots are in a lot of detail later in the documentary the camera does a longer shot showing Bruce Parry and his surrounding, showing him and the nature around him, this also look professional and in HD.

 - The next device I’m going to discuss is Interview and narrator. Regularly the characters like ‘Jonah’ in ‘Summer Heights High’ talks to the camera; this makes us feel like the characters are talking directly to us in the interviews. They speak in slang and talk informally which makes us feel that we are being welcomed to their group. Not watching as an outsider. In ‘Tribe’ Bruce Parry does talk to the camera which makes us feel that we are there with him and all their surroundings. But unlike ‘summer heights high’ Bruce Parry talks in formal language therefore its sounds more professional. In ‘tribe’ Bruce Parry also talks as the narrator which tell us he’s in forming and teaching us the animals and nature.

- The third device I’m going to be analysing is quality of footage. In Bruce Parry’s ‘tribe’ the quality of the footage is in HD all the footage is in detail, and you can see all the nature and animals clearly. This makes the footage look professional and real making us feel that we are there. Whereas in ‘summer heights high’ the quality of footage is poor quality trying to mock documentaries. It looks unprofessional. Documentaries used to be poor quality so this Mockumentary is basically trying to mock the old documentaries, because the footage is not HD and the camera is not still it moves around a lot.

- The fourth device I’m going to look into will be quality of filming. In the documentary the filming is professional and uses several cameras to catch all the action, the camera is steady and not messy. The fact the documentary uses more than one camera means they can catch all the action without moving around with one camera making it look blurry and unprofessional. This makes us feel focused on what we’re watching unlike the Mockumentary because the quality of filming is unprofessional because they use one camera to make the effect of trying to catch the action ‘on the spot’. Where actually they haven’t caught the action on the spot because they have rehearsed it thousands of times before. The fact that the filming is quite messy and blurry gives the impression that the filming is real.

- The next device I’m analysing is observation shot. In ‘summer heights high’ some of the shots look like we’re watching from behind a glass or window. This makes us feel that we are observing and watching, not being part of the action and looking on as more of an outsider not being let in to the action. But in Bruce Parry’s ‘tribe’ the shots we see are shots from over the shoulder where we can see the action going on. Bruce Parry is in front of the action. This makes us feel that he is protecting us from the dangers of the nature and animals.

- The last device I’m going to look in to will be voice overs. In the documentary Bruce parry also does voice overs, teaching us about the action and telling us information, this makes us think that he couldn’t tell us everything when he was there because he was there in the action. In the voice over he sounds professional and sounds formal. The language choices of the narrator reveals that the show is sophisticated. It makes people feel like they’re being brought in to the action with Bruce Parry.  In the Mockumentary they don’t have a voice over, instead they have quiet background music. The music is used because its familiar music that’s used in documentaries. The effect of not having a voice over is that whereas the documentary is trying to teach us the Mockumentary is just trying to let us in to the characters school life.


Meeting Minutes

Attended by: Katie King, Xhesi Abdurahmani, Molly Puckey and Lucy Gauron.



Roles and responsibilities through discussion.                                                                                      Potential ideas for the mockumentary using structure discussion.                                                                           Brief synopsis and proposal for the mockumentary.                                                                                  Allocate responsibility for who will share distribute the notes.


Items being discussed
Ideas suggested and decisions made
Roles of responsibilities
Director, actress, costume, camera person, discussion leader, scribe.
Katie King
She is going to be director. The reason for this is because she is good at leading discussions and making sure everyone is doing their role correctly.
Xhesi Abdurahmani
She is going to be assistant director. This is she is good at taking the directors role in case she is absent and also quite a quick typer for such things such as writing minutes and explaining ideas to the other  people.
Molly Puckwey
Good organiser and can share good ideas.
Lucy Gauron
Good at arranging equipment so its all in order and can suggest some ideas.


                Ideas for Mockumentary

Our Mockumentary is going to be set in Bermondsey.                                                                                   And we are going to be mocking the stereo typical Bermondsey girls and boys who are quite chavy and rude.

Our focus in our mockumentary is going to be on the people in Bermondsey who are not chavy and are genuine. Who, themselves mock the rude Bermondsey stereo typical girls and boys.

The characters who will be involved will be the chavy girls, chavy boys, nerds, genuine Bermondsey people who are themselves and the TOWIE wannabe’s who dress like Barbie dolls/the fake Pauls boutique girls.

We are going to make it look like a mockumentary because we will be exaggerating and mocking the stereo typical Bermondsey girls and lads.

The message of is to show what the Bermondsey people look like from other peoples view and to teach us to be ourselves.

We are going to make this look like a Mockumentary by using an interview perspective from the camera angle, so it makes the audience more involved and so it looks like a documentary.

Our key story line is that in the show is comparing the stereo typical chavy kids to the normal but called ‘nerdy kids’.

The fact that the stereo typical Bermondsey girls and boys will be exaggerated so it will be funny, plus there will be some jokes that fit in with the program.

I think this show will appeal to teenagers and people that live in the local area because they will understand the show and those that are around about the same age will get it and find it funny. It will be appealing because it is funny and interesting, it will be entertaining for the audience and for the audience to see the comparison of those in the program.

For the program I think we will need school like object and some chavy clothing to set the scene it should be as realistic as possible, but exaggerated to make it funny and show the comparisons. We will also need props like the stereo typical Pauls boutique bags, fake nails, bright orange makeups, extensions, snap backs and blazers.