Sunday 24 March 2013






Outline of the three ad’s

Advert 1 is a website advert (banner) advertising the song ‘Love Is Easy’ that could be put on YouTube because YouTube is a popular website used mostly to listen to music. Advert 2 is a TV advert, this could be featured on e4 because the channel has loads of comical TV shows which are mainly targeted for women, like McFLY, so if McFLY feature on e4, they will think McFLY are funny guys and therefore they will think it’s genuine. Advert 3 is a print advert showing McFLY and promoting the song which could be placed on a billboard because it catches the eye.


We decided that our website banner should go on YouTube because McFLY are a boy band and therefore music is their career. YouTube is the perfect place as it is a popular website used mostly by those who are fond of music and are interested in finding out what is good to listen to.

15-20 year olds will be attracted to this because YouTube is a type of social media so they will think its popular is McFLY are promoted on there. The technique we thought would be good to use is humour because it will appeal to the younger side of that audience and appeal to the fact that they are young and energetic.


We thought that our TV advert should be showed on the channel e4 because is has comical TV shows which are mainly targeted for women, like McFLY, so that fact McFLY feature on e4 will show people that McFLY are funny guys and cool to listen to. The target audience we chose was 20-25 year olds because they are most likely to watch the comedy shows featured on e4.

The technique we thought would be appropriate was nostalgia because 20-25 year olds grew up listening to McFLY and will want to be reminded of their past.


For our print advert we thought It could be targeted for children and younger teens. We decided on having a print advert on a billboard because say for example children are out and see the billboard promoting McFLY they would find it cool. They would be attracted to it and tell their mum or friends or whoever they’re out with to buy the song for them. Also the colours will attract them as they are bright and eye-catching.
The technique we thought of was shock because they will be impressed by McFLY and think they are “cool”.
The psychographic group for the magazine should be aspirers because the children will aspire to be like McFLY. It could also appeal to explorers because they want to try new things.

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