Friday 1 March 2013

A Classic Never Goes Out of Style.

This advertisement is aimed for everyone but mainly the elder person. This is because they use nostalgia to attract the target audience. The famous people placed on the product would have been very well known to those of an older age. It would appeal to the aspirer in the psychographic group because they would aspire to be like the famous faces on the bottle. It also appeals to the resigned as they love happy memories and want to remember old times. The use of celebs from generations gone by shows us coca cola has been popular for years which show us we should buy it. The ad makes us feel proud and aspirational.

COMPLIMENTARY COLOUR PALETTE: The colours of the main image are black and red. The black makes us think of the ‘little black dress’ which is a timeless classic which never goes out of fashion. This shows that black is simple and is always in style. The red makes it look energetic like the celebrities on the bottle who had many good things in their life which made them themselves energetic and passionate. This is suggesting to the audience that if we have the drink we will become energetic and passionate too. The colours compliment each other but still are eye-catching so they attract the audience.

THE LOGO: The logo is the obvious well known ‘Coca Cola’ which is in red. The logo stays the same throughout all their print adverts. In this ad it is placed on the bottle. It stands out because it is in the middle in a larger font than the slogan and the background is white so you can clearly see the writing. The logo is in the middle because if it was anywhere else it would have been overpowered by the image. The logo has maybe been placed on the bottle with the celebrities to show it is also iconic.

THE SLOGAN: The slogan in this print advert is ‘A classic never goes out of style.’ The slogan is telling us that Coke is a classic like the famous people on the bottle. And that it will always be in style to have and buy. This makes the consumer think that if they don’t get the product they won’t have what’s in style.

STRONG KEY IMAGE: The main image is the famous faces on the bottle. This appeals to both old and young audiences because an older generation would like this because it would make them think of their past and want to buy the product and it would appeal to a younger generation because they would see the ad want to be like them and become and iconic face when they are older.

I think the conventions help the advert achieve its intentions because it appeals to a range of audiences. I t also reveals that the company like to reminisce themselves and it tells us that the company have been around for so long and are still popular.
By Katie King


  1. Well done Katie, you have made a positive start by identifying, describing and explaining some key ideas about the conventions.
    Target - you need to analyse the ideas in detail like you did for your paragraph on colours.
    You have only written about the position of the logo and the fact that writing is the same throughout. Why have they chosen that font? Why is it effective?
    When you have written about the main image you have only spoken about the idea of the celebrities being 'timeless' but why is that so important? Why are these celebrities 'better' than our current celebrities. What about the style of the images? Which artist do they remind you of?
    You need to make sure you analyse each convention in detail, looking at key details and features and explaining the effect they have on the audience.

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