Friday 15 March 2013


I think I interacted well with my group. I made sure i gave my ideas and said when i disagreed and agreed with someone elses ideas. In my group we were also able to compromise and come to a final decision making sure everyones ideas were used. For example when my group was discussing target audiences some of us said it should be for an older generation and some said it should be for a younger generation. So we negotiated and decided to go for an age that was for young adults. There wasnt really any problems we come across, except when chooses what channel our tv advert could go on, because our audience is 20-30 yr olds and some thought that the channel 'e4' wouldnt be a good idea, but we discussed and said reasons why it would be good and why it wouldnt be. In the end we decided to change the age to 20-25 year olds Apart from that we all worked well as a team and we came up with loads of ideas and contributions. To improve i think i could make sure i described my ideas in more detail and make sure as team leader that everyone was on task and involve everyone. I think I am at a Merit.

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