Wednesday 6 March 2013

Catwalk concert. It was advertising Victoria Secret underwear. It was aimed at men because if they buy the song they can be like the singer and get Victoria’s secret model girlfriend. Get a sexy girlfriend. It appeals to a woman because is they buy the song they can be like the model and they could end up with the singer. Aspirers= want to be like the woman wearing the expensive lingerie. The age of the target audience are adults, female having a job and they would be upper class. Alternative interpretation might be put off by it because the woman are so skinny they look unhealthy. They may not want to buy it however it also makes us feel self conscious. On the other hand people may want to buy the product so they can become skinny themselves.
Reward= Men get a woman, woman get a sexy body.

Print Advert. The black and white reminding us of the sixties. Nostalgia. Paying tribute to the Rolling Stones/Mick Jagger. Maroon Five  is trying to tell us its good classic music. They maybe trying to get the older audience onside. By associating themselves with people from the sixties. They are validating other peoples taste in music. It ok to like other types of music. The orange text in the middle shows it can be the new look. It can be cool now. The colour orange is all about energy and excitement. It shows the song is upbeat and full of energy and excitement. The text is in the middle because it shows it’s the most important bit and to show it’s the best. Maroon Five are superior at the top, Christina Aguilera features in it at the bottom. She is in it because it can also appeal to people who used to love her when they were younger. Who listened to her when they were teen.

New article.

It’s a new article found on a website (MTV news)  Target audience= Young teens because music television was created for teens. Adam Levine is the focus. Leader/Spokesman. They are trying to show him in a way that will attract teens. They have tried to make him look ‘hot’. It wouldn’t be serious music fans that would like this. Trying to make him look like a poster boy pin up so teenage girl will want to have a poster of him on their walls. It could appeal to boys because if they became like him they could be a pin up boy. His tattoos make him look macho and strong. He is a real man. They think he would be a good person to listen to because it will be what they consider good music.

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