Sunday 24 March 2013






Outline of the three ad’s

Advert 1 is a website advert (banner) advertising the song ‘Love Is Easy’ that could be put on YouTube because YouTube is a popular website used mostly to listen to music. Advert 2 is a TV advert, this could be featured on e4 because the channel has loads of comical TV shows which are mainly targeted for women, like McFLY, so if McFLY feature on e4, they will think McFLY are funny guys and therefore they will think it’s genuine. Advert 3 is a print advert showing McFLY and promoting the song which could be placed on a billboard because it catches the eye.


We decided that our website banner should go on YouTube because McFLY are a boy band and therefore music is their career. YouTube is the perfect place as it is a popular website used mostly by those who are fond of music and are interested in finding out what is good to listen to.

15-20 year olds will be attracted to this because YouTube is a type of social media so they will think its popular is McFLY are promoted on there. The technique we thought would be good to use is humour because it will appeal to the younger side of that audience and appeal to the fact that they are young and energetic.


We thought that our TV advert should be showed on the channel e4 because is has comical TV shows which are mainly targeted for women, like McFLY, so that fact McFLY feature on e4 will show people that McFLY are funny guys and cool to listen to. The target audience we chose was 20-25 year olds because they are most likely to watch the comedy shows featured on e4.

The technique we thought would be appropriate was nostalgia because 20-25 year olds grew up listening to McFLY and will want to be reminded of their past.


For our print advert we thought It could be targeted for children and younger teens. We decided on having a print advert on a billboard because say for example children are out and see the billboard promoting McFLY they would find it cool. They would be attracted to it and tell their mum or friends or whoever they’re out with to buy the song for them. Also the colours will attract them as they are bright and eye-catching.
The technique we thought of was shock because they will be impressed by McFLY and think they are “cool”.
The psychographic group for the magazine should be aspirers because the children will aspire to be like McFLY. It could also appeal to explorers because they want to try new things.

Friday 15 March 2013


I think I interacted well with my group. I made sure i gave my ideas and said when i disagreed and agreed with someone elses ideas. In my group we were also able to compromise and come to a final decision making sure everyones ideas were used. For example when my group was discussing target audiences some of us said it should be for an older generation and some said it should be for a younger generation. So we negotiated and decided to go for an age that was for young adults. There wasnt really any problems we come across, except when chooses what channel our tv advert could go on, because our audience is 20-30 yr olds and some thought that the channel 'e4' wouldnt be a good idea, but we discussed and said reasons why it would be good and why it wouldnt be. In the end we decided to change the age to 20-25 year olds Apart from that we all worked well as a team and we came up with loads of ideas and contributions. To improve i think i could make sure i described my ideas in more detail and make sure as team leader that everyone was on task and involve everyone. I think I am at a Merit.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes for marketing meeting

Agenda (information that will be discussed):

·         Identify the 3 target audiences you are going appeal to (age, gender, likes/dislikes, psychographic profile)

·         Brainstorm general ideas for possible adverts.

·         Final decisions on advert 1

·         Final decisions on advert 2

·         Final decisions on advert 3


Date: 13/03/13

Present: Everyone except Lauren Young


Item (what you are discussing)
Actions (ideas that were discussed with final decisions highlighted in yellow)
What we will be putting in our print advert
X.A said that we should use the colours red as the song is about love and will attract to the audience, also red is a unisex colour so will appeal to both men and women.
K.K agrees but thinks we should also use another colour
L.W.I thinks we should use bright colours to show that its really easy and it makes you happy
Who our audience is
A.K thinks that 20-30 year olds should be the target audience
K.K disagrees because the older generation wont be attracted to them and find them very appealing
X.A agrees with K.K because the music of McFly is more of a younger generation
L.W.I agrees but also for the older generation because they might want to feel young again and nostalgic
K.K compromises and suggest that we do 15-25 as it’s a good wide range of audience
L.W.I thinks that the audience should also be 15-25 because they will want to be like McFly and want to be successful like them and achieve something.
X.A thinks that the audience will also be appealing to children because they might look up to them and enjoy their poppy music
A.K agrees because some older people don’t spend time listening to music and children do so it will appeal for them.
K.K young males may like them because they grew up with them
X.A agrees because they will inspire to be like them however, McFly is more for women as they are a young boy band and are trying to attract girls
K.K also agrees that it’s for girls as the men in McFly are attractive and will obviously be appealing
Advert idea 1 – website advert (banner)
X.A I think it should be featured on YouTube because McFly are a boy band and therefore music is their career. So, this is why I think it should be on YouTube because YouTube is a popular website used mostly to listen to music.
K.K agrees but thinks it should also be on Facebook because it’s really popular and most people go on it. 15-20 year olds will be attracted to this because it’s social media so they will think its popular.
L.Y thinks that the technique used should be humour because it will appeal to the younger side of that audience and appeal to the fact that they are young and energetic
K.K agrees because she knows from experience that 15-20 year olds have a lot going on in their life at this point and humour could relax them.
Advert idea 2- tv advert
L.W.I thinks it should be on MTV as it is a music channel and McFly make music. Also the target audience for MTV is for teenagers and young adults and this is also the target audience for McFly so it all fits in
A.K agrees because most songs feature on music channels so it’s well suited for McFly
X.A thinks that it should also be featured on e4 because that channels has loads of comical TV shows which are mainly targeted for women, like McFly, and also if McFly feature on e4, they will think McFly are funny guys and therefore they will think it’s genuine.
K.K this could be for 20-25 year olds because they are most likely to watch the comedy shows featured on e4.
L.Y thinks that the technique used for this should be nostalgia because 20-25 year olds grew up listening to McFly and will want to be reminded of their past. She also thinks that the advert used should be an interview type of advert for about 30-40 secs and then go to a bit of the song saying its released now.
Advert idea 3- Print advert
X.A thinks that the print advert will appeal to children because children go out and play with their friends so along the way, if they see a print advert on a billboard, they will be attracted to it and tell their mum or friends or whoever they’re out with. Also the colours will attract them as they are bright and eye-catching.
L.Y thinks it shouldn’t be a billboard but in a children’s magazine because they’re more likely to see it in a magazine rather than a billboard.
K.K agrees because children take more notice of children’s magazines than billboards.
L.W.I thinks that they should put some environmental friendly content in the magazine to make McFly look like good, genuine people so then their parents will think that McFly will be good for their children.
L.Y says that the technique used for children should be shock because they will be impressed by McFly and think they are “cool”
A.K thinks the psychographic group for the magazine should be aspirers because the children will aspire to be like McFly.
L.Y agrees but also thinks explorers because they want to try new things.


Wednesday 13 March 2013

Minutes for marketing meeting

Agenda (information that will be discussed):

List of who is in your group and information about your company: name and contact details.
Roles and responsibilities in your group.
Brainstorm the different methods of advertising your band/song with information about what you would do in that advert (at least 10 ideas).
Summary of the product/artist you are advertising.


Date: 04/03/2013

Present: Everyone.


Item (what you are discussing)
Actions (ideas that were discussed with final decisions highlighted in yellow)
List of who is in your group and information about your company: name and contact details.
Katie King, Lauren Young, Xhesi Abdurahmani, Lidya Walet Ibrahim and Aminata Koroma.
Roles and responsibilities in your group (team leader, scribe, feedback monitor, time monitor)
Katie: Team leader
Lauren: Feedback
Xhesi: Scribe
Aminata: Time
Lidya: Time
Brainstorm the different methods of advertising your band/song with information about what you would do in that advert (at least 10 ideas).
Adverts, festivals, reviews, leaflets, YouTube accounts, social networking, articles, billboards, music featuring in adverts.
Summary of the product/artist you are advertising (who, genre, album, song, unique selling point, different target audiences, information about previous success)
Our choices were: Two Door Cinema Club and McFly are not very well known groups which both have small fanbases. It would be good to promote and advertise them both so then more people can be familiar with them. We decided on McFly.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Catwalk concert. It was advertising Victoria Secret underwear. It was aimed at men because if they buy the song they can be like the singer and get Victoria’s secret model girlfriend. Get a sexy girlfriend. It appeals to a woman because is they buy the song they can be like the model and they could end up with the singer. Aspirers= want to be like the woman wearing the expensive lingerie. The age of the target audience are adults, female having a job and they would be upper class. Alternative interpretation might be put off by it because the woman are so skinny they look unhealthy. They may not want to buy it however it also makes us feel self conscious. On the other hand people may want to buy the product so they can become skinny themselves.
Reward= Men get a woman, woman get a sexy body.

Print Advert. The black and white reminding us of the sixties. Nostalgia. Paying tribute to the Rolling Stones/Mick Jagger. Maroon Five  is trying to tell us its good classic music. They maybe trying to get the older audience onside. By associating themselves with people from the sixties. They are validating other peoples taste in music. It ok to like other types of music. The orange text in the middle shows it can be the new look. It can be cool now. The colour orange is all about energy and excitement. It shows the song is upbeat and full of energy and excitement. The text is in the middle because it shows it’s the most important bit and to show it’s the best. Maroon Five are superior at the top, Christina Aguilera features in it at the bottom. She is in it because it can also appeal to people who used to love her when they were younger. Who listened to her when they were teen.

New article.

It’s a new article found on a website (MTV news)  Target audience= Young teens because music television was created for teens. Adam Levine is the focus. Leader/Spokesman. They are trying to show him in a way that will attract teens. They have tried to make him look ‘hot’. It wouldn’t be serious music fans that would like this. Trying to make him look like a poster boy pin up so teenage girl will want to have a poster of him on their walls. It could appeal to boys because if they became like him they could be a pin up boy. His tattoos make him look macho and strong. He is a real man. They think he would be a good person to listen to because it will be what they consider good music.

Monday 4 March 2013

Minutes for marketing meeting

Agenda (information that will be discussed):

List of who is in your group and information about your company: name and contact details.

Roles and responsibilities in your group.

Brainstorm the different methods of advertising your band/song with information about what you would do in that advert (at least 10 ideas).

Summary of the product/artist you are advertising.


Date: 04/03/2013

Present: Everyone.


Item (what you are discussing)           Actions (ideas that were discussed with final decisions highlighted in yellow)

List of who is in your group and information about your company: name and contact details.       Katie King, Lauren Young, Xhesi Abdurahmani, Lidya Walet Ibrahim and Aminata Koroma.

Roles and responsibilities in your group (team leader, scribe, feedback monitor, time monitor)   Katie: Team leader

Lauren: Feedback

Xhesi: Scribe

Aminata: Time

Lidya: Time

Brainstorm the different methods of advertising your band/song with information about what you would do in that advert (at least 10 ideas).       Adverts, festivals, reviews, leaflets, YouTube accounts, social networking, articles, billboards, music featuring in adverts.

Summary of the product/artist you are advertising (who, genre, album, song, unique selling point, different target audiences, information about previous success)       Our choices were: Two Door Cinema Club and McFly are not very well known groups which both have small fanbases. It would be good to promote and advertise them both so then more people can be familiar with them. We were undecided at the end of it.

Friday 1 March 2013

A Classic Never Goes Out of Style.

This advertisement is aimed for everyone but mainly the elder person. This is because they use nostalgia to attract the target audience. The famous people placed on the product would have been very well known to those of an older age. It would appeal to the aspirer in the psychographic group because they would aspire to be like the famous faces on the bottle. It also appeals to the resigned as they love happy memories and want to remember old times. The use of celebs from generations gone by shows us coca cola has been popular for years which show us we should buy it. The ad makes us feel proud and aspirational.

COMPLIMENTARY COLOUR PALETTE: The colours of the main image are black and red. The black makes us think of the ‘little black dress’ which is a timeless classic which never goes out of fashion. This shows that black is simple and is always in style. The red makes it look energetic like the celebrities on the bottle who had many good things in their life which made them themselves energetic and passionate. This is suggesting to the audience that if we have the drink we will become energetic and passionate too. The colours compliment each other but still are eye-catching so they attract the audience.

THE LOGO: The logo is the obvious well known ‘Coca Cola’ which is in red. The logo stays the same throughout all their print adverts. In this ad it is placed on the bottle. It stands out because it is in the middle in a larger font than the slogan and the background is white so you can clearly see the writing. The logo is in the middle because if it was anywhere else it would have been overpowered by the image. The logo has maybe been placed on the bottle with the celebrities to show it is also iconic.

THE SLOGAN: The slogan in this print advert is ‘A classic never goes out of style.’ The slogan is telling us that Coke is a classic like the famous people on the bottle. And that it will always be in style to have and buy. This makes the consumer think that if they don’t get the product they won’t have what’s in style.

STRONG KEY IMAGE: The main image is the famous faces on the bottle. This appeals to both old and young audiences because an older generation would like this because it would make them think of their past and want to buy the product and it would appeal to a younger generation because they would see the ad want to be like them and become and iconic face when they are older.

I think the conventions help the advert achieve its intentions because it appeals to a range of audiences. I t also reveals that the company like to reminisce themselves and it tells us that the company have been around for so long and are still popular.
By Katie King