Monday 14 November 2011

Writing Copy: Script Taxi driver.

I used microsoft word to make this. Including sluglines saying where and when, doing alignment to make it clear, effectib=ve and easy to read. And adding dialogue becasue it is a script and makeing sure its all in present tense. I think it went well becaus ei didnt need any help, to get a better grade i could help someone else.

HELEN stands on the pavement, on the phone to her friend FRANCESCA, gossiping about the night out ahead of them. HELEN Keeps desperately putting her hand out for a taxi.
Ok, so you need to meet me just outside the pub i will hopefully be there in half an hour. (Talking down the phone)
HELEN finally gets the attention of one taxi driver who pulls up alongside, she gets in.
Hi, finally got a taxi, I have been waiting for twenty five minutes! Anyway, can you take me to Brentwood high street, and there is a little pub at the end of the road. If that ok please.
HELEN waits for a reply, there was no reply.
Umm hello...?
The TAXI DRIVER still doesn’t reply.
Hello... Can you take me to the little pub at the end of the road, if that’s alright?
(Pause, awaiting reply)
Look sorry to waste to your time I will just get another taxi.
Before HELEN can get out the TAXI driver locks the doors from the inside so she can’t get out.
          Excuse me you just locked the door, I need to get out.
The TAXI driver ignores her and drives off.
Sorry this is not the way that I wanted to go its the other way, I want to go to the pub.
Yet again The TAXI driver ignores her.
Listen you can take this turning here to the right and still get to the pub.
The TAXI driver still doesn’t listen and goes straight on. It comes to a dead end. The engine went off, there was silence.

1 comment:

  1. Great script. You have used the correct formatting. You have used the right indents to show the difference between the action and the dialogue. All character names have been written in capitals and there are directions for the characters in brackets.
    Your slug lines are correct - showing where and when the action occurs.
    Do you think you could do anything to make this better?

    Mr Monahan
