Friday 25 November 2011

MEDIA studies evaluation-

Media Studies evaluation-
 1)  In Photoshop we did our own cover designs with Kanye West, Kelly Rowland, Rihanna, Get the look and fashion frames. The skills we used were masking which is masking round a part of someone’s body in an image, magic wand tool, rulers so it makes text in line, text box, mast head and layers so the text can go in front of the image.
In Indesign we used skills like text wrap to make text go round the person in the image, drop cap to make the first letter stand out, layers to make the text go in front of the picture, place holder text to fill the page, and to see what it looks like and stroke tool.  
When we did the writing copy we used skills like researching information to put in our work, and being able to look at information and then putting it in our own words.
When we made the script writing and storyboards, we used skills like the tab button slug line which is saying where and when, and making all names in the script in capitals and when we did the storyboards we also had to learn different camera shots and movements for example DOLLY forward/back or CRAB left/right - this was to show where the camera was going to go.
 2)  I enjoyed doing the Kelly Rowland work because it looked professional and I was happy with the finished product. I think the skill I was best at was masking the image. I also liked doing script writing because we were allowed to think what we were writing ourselves, so we could be creative plus I think I used the skills well as we had to remember to include slug lines and making sure all names were in capitals.
3)  The skills I think I was best at were masking and script writing and story boarding because I was able to remember what to do but and make it look professional.
4)  I think I could use these skills in the future because say if I wanted to be a director or photographer I would know all different camera shots and movements, for example ‘medium wide shot’ if I was taking a picture I would need to know what the shot is called.
5)  The skills I need to improve on are using place holder text and drop cap, so it looks more professional and using a mast head.
6)  To get better I could practice so it looks better and professional when I do it in my work.

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