Thursday 9 February 2012

short version

Trashed by a big cat.
Katy Perry and Russell Brands £300,000 wedding was a spectacular night while embracing the jungle themed wedding  a wild man-eating tiger tried to crash the wedding as it escaped and went for the 85 quests and the newlyweds! Despite the gate crasher that climbed over the walls, it was still amazing for them as they had a fortune telling parrot that told them that they will have a long loving life together. He also said that ‘really, love between two people is the most spectacular and ordinary thing in the world!’ Good luck to the couple!


  1. Katie
    Thanks for uploading this. It's tough telling a story in so few words, so well done for communicating the main points of the story.

    You might want to look at your sentence length. This is all one sentence. How could you break it down into smaller chunks?

    "Katy Perry and Russell Brands £300,000 wedding was a spectacular night while embracing the jungle themed wedding a wild man-eating tiger tried to crash the wedding as it escaped and went for the 85 quests and the newlyweds! "

    Mr Monahan

  2. Tyhankyou, and umm i have seen that i can put fullstop in a few places in that sentence to break it down.
