Friday 23 November 2012



My presentation was about my groups Mockumentary that we are making. It is called ‘The Only Way is Bermondsey’. In my group I was assigned to be Group leader. My section of the presentation was to prepare and talk about the proposal, synopsis, purpose and I also prepared the storyboard. When I got up in front of the class I delivered my speech clearly and talked formally. However I didn’t use body language. During the presentation I felt nervous however, I was confident that I knew what I was talking about and I could speak clearly. People said I was good at speaking clearly and with projection. The skill I was most proud of was being able to speak confidently and learning some of the script so I could look at the audience at times. I was also happy that I could project my voice when I was trying to persuade the audience in my pitch. To improve the skills I was proud of I think I could change my tone at points when I was speaking. When I got my feedback I was told that to improve I could use more eye contact and try to use hand gestures to get my ideas across better. From the comments I got from other people I know that in future presentations I need to use more body language and eye contact to engage my audience.

Katie King (HAB)

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