Monday 10 October 2011

Fashion Frames

To do this i used pohtoshop. The first thing i had to do was the usual steps of: File-New-Place and then i placed these picture frames onto the screen then masked out the picture inside it then i placed images of clothes and masked them and placed them in the frame making sure the layers of each image was right. I think my work went well becaus ei did it all by myself and could help others but i think that i could have done more by adding images at the top like the picture that was the example we had to follow, and change the opacity of the images to to make it more effective.
The improvements i made were adding other images:

1 comment:

  1. Katie
    Great work. I like how you have shown the improvements to your work

    Your masking is very good and professional. You have placed appropriate images on the page and added extra images to develop the theme of the page

    To make this even better you could add price information and where the reader can buy the clothes.


    Well done
    Mr Monahan
