Thursday, 20 October 2011

3 column layout

I used InDesign to make this, placing pictures and adding placeholder text. This was the first thing i did in InDesign, an di think it went ok becasue i didnt need a lot of help.

Text wrap

I used InDesign to make this, i made a new document including 3 columns and making sure it is portrait. Then i added all  the frames then placed the picture then added placeholder text. I then used the pen tool to go around the body of the picture so the writing can be seen. I also made the first letter drop cap. I think it went well because i did not need anyhelp at all, and i could help others.

Double Page spread

I used InDesign to make it, I made a new document making sure i had 3 columns and it was two pages. Then i inserted frames and added text and pictures then made sure the i used text wrap and the stroke tool, i also adjusted it by adding a drop cap at the start, i think it went well because i didnt need any help. But to make it better i could have added more with the pictures at the bottom.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Get the look.

I used photoshop to do this task. I had to place images then mask them and the place them onto the page so they all fitted properly i did that using free transform. Then i added text boxes and put them to the side and on the clothes that i had placed then i changed the opacity so you could see through. I changed the colours of the text and boxex to match the colour scheme of my work. i also added shadows to the clothes and it made it look effective and professional.

Fashion Frames

To do this i used pohtoshop. The first thing i had to do was the usual steps of: File-New-Place and then i placed these picture frames onto the screen then masked out the picture inside it then i placed images of clothes and masked them and placed them in the frame making sure the layers of each image was right. I think my work went well becaus ei did it all by myself and could help others but i think that i could have done more by adding images at the top like the picture that was the example we had to follow, and change the opacity of the images to to make it more effective.
The improvements i made were adding other images: