Friday 22 February 2013

Quench Evaluation

For my print advert I used a main image, a slogan, a logo, a masking layer and a background layer. I cut out my main image which were hands using the Quick Select Tool and then pasted it into my project area. I then increased the size of the image by using the ‘scale’ tool. I then copy and pasted the layer. After, I added the masking layer with the masking tool adding different effects. I used the quick selection tool on my image again and used the overlay so only the ‘hands’ image was masked. I decided to a have a sparkly energy effect on the hands. I think my masking was successful because the edges are not jagged and it looks realistic.

I used the masking skill that we learnt in the lesson to make my main image look effective. I did the sparkly effect because it makes the audience think that if you buy the product you get energy and are sparkly. The idea of the hands being sparkling also suggests that the people in the advert were high in the stars which mean they are happy and light. This use of main image and masking layers was effective because it shows the target audience are men and highlights the unique selling point of the product that it is an energy drink but low in calorie.

I used a complimentary colour palette in my work. The main colours were purple and green. This represented the ingredients of the drink. The use of these colours showed that our product had a unique taste with the green for apples and purple for berries. The colours were contrasting in my print advert because my logo and slogan stood out from my darker background. The product was also a different colour which made it stand out.     But the advert worked because at the same time the colours all worked together. I think it was effective because it was eye catching and clear. It fitted my target audience because they weren’t ‘girly’ colours and showed what our unique selling point was to attract our audience.

In my print advert I used particular font choices, for my logo I used a large bubbly font. It was clear and legible. My slogan was a slightly different font but still bubbly. They both matched and were clearly legible and stood out. The colours of the text were either white of green so they matched the target audience.

I used different positions for my convention. I had my product in the middle which was a can. Then I had my logo on the can. With my slogan at the top of the print advert and my main image at the bottom. My main image was the image that was masked. I think my print advert and positioning of conventions were successful because it looked good. It fitted our target audience.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

This is my advert for the Quench drink. My targert audience is for typical 'skater' teenage boys. I Have included all the conventions (slogan, logo, image and product). I have also masked an image. I think I am a merit because I have followed the success criteria

Monday 11 February 2013

Quench Poster

This is my advert for the Quench drink. My targert audience is for typical 'skater' teenage boys. I Have included all the conventions (slogan, logo, image and product). I have also masked an image. I think I am a merit because I have followed the success criteria.